06 April 2005

Platonic Studies Themselves

It's so new that's it's not even posted yet on the website of the Bryn Mawr Classical Review. Not the volume, I mean, but the review of the volume: Luc Brisson, Jean-François Pradeau, eds., Études Platoniciennes I, publication annuelle de la Société d'Études Platoniciennes, 2004. The review is by Matthias Perkams (Jena). We've long had Kant Studien, then Hume Studies, Reid Studies, and Oxford Studies; and now we have Platonic studies.

If a Platonic study might be published in Oxford Studies, or Phronesis, Ancient Philosophy, Apeiron, journals of the history of philosophy, journals of philology, journals of classics, non-specialist journals, and even, occasionally, Philosophical Review, one wonders if there is a need for a special resting place or niche, just for Platonic studies themselves. (The Platonic Study Itself?)

Perkmans' tentative judgment is that there is (Aristotle might say: a need insofar as it is choiceworthy):

All in all, the first volume of the E/tudes Platoniciennes offers a
remarkably good collection of articles on Plato which deserve the
attention of the academic public. For somebody interested in the
Platonic tradition, it is of less interest, though this may change if
the editors encourage more contributions in this field. One may still
doubt if this journal is a necessary addition to the existing ones. But
if the editors manage to maintain the high quality of the published
articles, it will be worthwhile for any scholar interested in Plato to
take account of the forthcoming volumes.

FYI, the contents of this inaugural volume, as given in the BMCR, are as follows (forgive me for leaving the slashes as they are):


- Anne Merker, " Corps et cha^timent chez Platon "

- Klaus Schoepsdau, " Richten und Strafen. Zum Strafrecht in Platons
Nomoi "

- Francisco L. Lisi, " El mito del Poli/tico "

- Francesco Gregorio, " E/le/ments pour une me/tacritique de
l'interpre/tation aristote/licienne de la Re/publique de Platon "

- Walter G. Leszl, " Plato's Attitude to poetry and the fine arts, and
the origins of aesthetics "

- Francesco Bearzi, " Il contesto noetico del Simposio "


- Francesco Fronterotta, " La gene\se et la succession des re/alite/s
atemporelles. Un argument paradoxal chez Plotin (Enne/ades V 1 [10] 6,
19-22) ? "

- Luc Brisson, " La doctrine des degre/s de vertus chez les
ne/o-platoniciens. Une analyse de la Sentence 32 de Porphyre, de ses
ante/ce/dents et de ses conse/quences "


- Francesco Fronterotta," L'unita\ del Platonismo : Alcuni studi sulla
tradizione medioplatonica e neoplatonica "

- Bibliographie des e/tudes platoniciennes : anne/es 2002-03

- Table des matie\res de la bibliographie


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